Original Building Destroyed by Fire

The building that the bank had occupied since 1868 was destroyed by fire. Two new buildings have been constructed on the site since that time.

Stock Market Crash

1929 Stock Market Crash that began The Great Depression also known as Black Tuesday

World War 1

World War I.

The Callaway Bank Receives its Current Name

Having been previously reorganized as the Callaway County Savings Bank, The Callaway Bank receives it new and current standing name.

Civil War Threatens Bank’s Gold

Directors feared the bank’s $50,000 in gold was in jeopardy from army raids. They agreed to hide the gold in a well on the west side of the Courthouse Square until peace was restored. The money remained there until 1865 when the well was pumped dry and all but one small coin was recovered.

The Civil War Begins

The Civil War

First Bank Established in Callaway County

Founded January 1, 1857.  Known as the “Fulton Branch, Western Bank of Missouri,” it was not actually a branch, as all stock owners and officers were local.