The Callaway Bank cares about setting you up with the account that is right for you. Whether you are managing your entire family’s finances or helping your child learn to save, we’re positive The Callaway Bank has an option that will serve your needs.

Our Accounts Feature Digital Banking solutions backed by local help!

All our checking accounts include features that will make you feel secure, like our free Fraud Analytics Protection, as well as Digital Banking which lets you manage your finances in-app or online, virtually anytime, anywhere. The Callaway Bank eAlerts will keep you on top of your transactions and accounts. Our eStatements with check images reduce the risk of fraud and identity theft while conserving paper – and are available when you need them.

The Ultimate Checking Account, Simple Checking Account and Cash Back Debit Card Account are powerful personal account options to help you get what you need from your personal banking accounts. We have additional account options that are sure to fit your banking needs.

Open Your Account Online With The Callaway Bank 

In just a few minutes you can have your new account ready to go.

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